Field Tab
In addition the following standard inputs, the Field tab also displays configuration options based on the Field Type. (refer to the Fields section in the sidebar)
Standard Options
- Name: Used as the label for the field, as well as the column header for exports.
- Type: Type of field displayed to the user
- Tab: (optional) Tab name used to display field
- CSS Classes: (optional) CSS classes added to the field's container
- Instructions: (optional) Provide the user with helpful information about the field
Checkbox List/Radio
- Values: Add the available Values, including Label and Value
Color Picker
- Available Colors: Tag list of available hexadecimal colors
Date Picker
- Mode: Set the date picker mode to date and time, date only or time only.
- Date Form: (optional) Preferred date format (m/d/Y)
- Minimum Date: (optional) Set minimum date allowed
- Maximum Date: (optional) Set maximum date allowed
- Empty Option Text: Text displayed when no option is selected
- Use Predefined Values: Predefined values provided by other plugins or define your own values. (see RainLab Location Integration for a predefined example)
- Values: Press the New Value button to define your own dropdown values.
File Upload
- Mode: File upload mode of either single/multi image or single/multi file
- Make Public:
- On: Public images/files accessible through the frontend/backend (profile images, resumes, etc.)
- Off: Private images/files only accessible through the backend (tax documents, etc.).
- Use Captions: Allow editing of title and description of uploaded image/file.
- Allowed File Types: Allowed image/file types for upload. Select from predefined options or enter your own, separated by a comma.
- Minimum: Minimum number allowed.
- Maximum: Maximum number allowed.
- Minimum Required: Minimum number of repeater items required.
- Maximum Allowed: Maximum number of repeater items allowed.
- Add Item Button Text: Text used in the repeater add button.
- Fields: A nested Field Editor to create repeater fields.